Newlyweds Russell Brand and Katy Perry travel to Maldives for honeymoon

Monday 25 October 2010 20:20

BRITISH comedian Russell Brand and singer Katy Perry traveled to the Maldives to begin their honeymoon, Us Magazine reported.

Showbiz's most celebrated pair of newlyweds headed to the Indian Ocean island for some much-needed rest and relaxation after marrying in a traditional Hindu wedding service witnessed by around 80 guests in northwestern India.

Saturday's ceremony saw Brand, 35, and Perry, 26, joined by a wedding procession of 21 camels, elephants and horses to exchange vows in front of celebrity friends including singer Rihanna and rap mogul P. Diddy.

The couple wore traditional Indian clothes and observed Hindu rituals such as walking around a sacred fire seven times while reciting Sanskrit mantras.

A day after getting hitched, they posted a message to fans on Twitter, saying, "WE DID!"

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"Russell Brand and Katy Perry are overjoyed to confirm that they were pronounced Mr and Mrs Brand on Saturday, October 23," Perry's rep said in a statement to Us Magazine.

"The very private and spiritual ceremony, attended by the couples' closest family and friends was performed by a Christian minister ... The backdrop was the inspirational and majestic countryside of Northern India."


P. Gauge said...

They must not have heard what the oh-so-tolerant Muslims of the Maldives say in the language to the faces of their "guests."

Once people understand how intolerant and viscous the people are in the Maldives they will stay away in droves.

tichan said...

do you know which island exactly they went to? would be interested to know which island fits for celebrities :)

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